The Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies

Allergic to felines and desperate to keep them? The good news is that there are cats out there for just about everyone, even people with allergies!

There are some hypoallergenic breeds known to produce fewer allergens than other cats. Although no cat is truly hypoallergenic, some are less likely to trigger an allergic reaction.

Why People are Allergic to Cats

Ever wondered what causes the allergies you suffer from? There can be many allergens including:

  • Cat’s dander
  • Fur
  • Saliva
  • Urine

The main cause of allergy is actually a protein called Fel D1 found in cat saliva. It causes you to sneeze and feel itchy. Once a cat licks its coat, the allergen carrying saliva dries and becomes airborne.

Coming in contact with these allergens can cause an allergic reaction. The allergen particles can circulate in the air, settle on clothes, furniture, and bedding, or stay in the environment carried on dust particles.

The Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

Just make sure you research a cat carefully before making your choice to ensure it’s the right fit. We are sharing a list of the most popular hypoallergenic cat breeds. Let’s have a look at them:


Weight range: < 12lbs

Life Expectancy: 8-14 years

Sphynx is a medium-sized cat with a striking appearance. This cat is identified by her nearly hairless, wrinkled skin and large ears. Sphynx cat even has no whiskers or eyelashes.

It has a sleek and muscular body that is dense and heavy for her size.

If you suffer from allergies a Sphynx cat could be the perfect cat for you. This hairless cat does not shed any Fel D1 protein saturated fur around the house. This is because they don’t have any fur.

The Sphynx cat is outgoing and mischievous that enjoys spending time with their human companions. This kitty is highly intelligent, playful, cuddly, and loves attention. Sphynx is an active breed that enjoys jumping, playing, and climbing, as well as normal cat scratching.

Cornish Rex

Weight range: < 8 lbs

Life Expectancy: 9 – 13 years

The Cornish Rex is a small-to-medium-sized cat with an extraordinary appearance. The attractive wavy coat comes in many colors and patterns, including bicolor (one color and white) and tortoiseshell.

The Cornish Rex looks sleek but is surprisingly heavy. They are muscular and have a slender, rangy shape. The Cornish Rex doesn’t have the long hair of an outer coat but possesses only the bottom undercoat of down hair that is curly and soft.

These cats have a lot less hair than other cats and are less likely to cause an allergic reaction. The Cornish Rex is an athletic cat with a playful and outgoing nature. They are highly intelligent and enjoy playing with their human companions and love to learn new tricks.

Rexes are incredibly curious, bright, and highly energetic.

Devon Rex

Weight range: < 8 lbs

Life Expectancy: 9 – 13 years

The Devon Rex is a medium-sized cat with a short and curly coat. Their head is triangular with distinct facial features including large eyes and ears. This makes them resemble a pixie or an elf. The coat of Devon Rex is fragile and even grooming can cause the hair to break off completely. They generally have broken whiskers because the whiskers are also fragile.

These cats possess the same coat type as the Cornish Rex, only the soft down hair that makes up most cat’s undercoats. They shes very little due to less hair on their bodies. This makes them suitable for allergy sufferers.

The Devon Rex is an active and energetic breed that enjoy playing with their parents. This cat is lively and truly a little clown. Daven Rex will delight her owner by giving enchanting playful performances.


Weight range: Male: medium: 8-12 lbs, Female: small: <8 lbs.

Life Expectancy: 8-12 years

Oriental is a medium-sized cat that is nicely muscled. This long and elegant cat has a triangular head and tall ears. The body, neck, legs, and tail of this cat are long. This cat is found in hundreds of combinations of colors and patterns.

The Oriental shorthair coat is short, fine, and glossy. Their coat lies close to the body and shed very little. Regular brushing will help to remove any loose hairs and prevent allergies.

Orientals are chatty, curious, smart, and loving. This breed is highly intelligent and can be trained to walk on a lead. Orientals love heights and are great jumpers. You can entertain these cats with puzzle toys, teach new tricks, even train them for feline agility.

Russian Blues

Weight range: Male: 10-12 pounds, Female: 7-10 pounds

Life Expectancy: 15-20 years

The Russian blue is a long and slender cat with a triangular head. They are very strong and muscular. They have brilliant green eyes and a luxurious silvery coat. The Russian blue cat appears to be larger due to her extremely dense and soft double coat.

Russian Blues don’t have any special coat qualities that make them hypoallergenic but they do produce lower levels of the glycoprotein Fel d 1. It’s the protein that cats secrete from their skin which a lot of allergy sufferers are allergic to.

Russian Blues are a perfect match for those who are looking for a gentle, quiet, and intelligent cat. This is a gentle cat who loves to follow her owner everywhere. Russian blues are social creatures but they also enjoy alone-time. They don’t mind being left alone all day, but they do require a lot of playtimes when you are home.


Weight range: Male: large: >12 lbs, Female: medium: 8-12 lbs

Life Expectancy: 8-13 years

The Balinese is a medium-sized cat with a long, tubular body. This cat gives a distinctive look with deep blue eyes and a darker color on the extremities, tail, ears, and face. This graceful cat possesses a combination of fine bones and firm muscles.

These cats have a long silky coat lying close to the body and have no undercoat. The skin of Balinese cats produces less Fel d1 which means that they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

The Balinese is agile, athletic, and a powerful jumper. These cats are curious, outgoing, and intelligent. They are also very vocal and known for their chatty personalities. They keep you entertained with their antics, but have a loving and loyal nature.


Weight range: 8 to 17 pounds

Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

The Siberian is a medium-to-large sized cat with a wedge-shaped head. These strong and powerfully built cats are exceptionally agile jumper.

Siberians have all three natural types of cat fur including guard hair, awn hair, and down-hair. The fur is textured but glossy, which decreases the occurrence of matting. The Siberian’s skin produces less Fel d1 than most other breeds so is considered hypoallergenic and is suitable for feline allergy sufferers.

Siberians are active and playful cats. They love games like fetch and learning tricks that stimulate them mentally. Siberians are highly intelligent and have the ability to solve issues to get what they want. Being athletic, they can easily climb to the top of the doors, furniture, and walls. Siberians love human companionship and need to be near their owners.


Weight range: Male: medium: 8 – 12 lbs, Female: small: < 8 lbs.

Life Expectancy: 8-12 years

The Javanese is a medium-sized cat with a long and tubular body. They have deep eye color either blue or green. The short and smooth coat has many incredible colors including Red, Cream, Seal, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac, Blue-cream, and Lilac Cream.

They have a single coat which is very soft and silky. The lack of an undercoat means that the Javanese sheds very little. These cats may be a good choice for someone who suffers from allergies.

Javanese cats are loving and vocal companions. These cats are highly intelligent, agile, playful, and athletic, and make a beautiful family pet. Javanese are powerful jumpers and can leap effortlessly to the top of the refrigerator, cupboards, and bookcases.


Weight range: 6 to 14 lbs.

Life Expectancy: 8-15 years

Siamese cats have a sleek and distinctive appearance. They are highly intelligent, agile, and athletic and love to play. Siamese has blue eyes and their coat can be of an incredible range of colors including Chocolate, Seal, Lilac, Blue, Red, Cream, Fawn, and Cinnamon.

The Siamese cat is a low-shedder and considered a hypoallergenic cat. The short coat of the Siamese has a fine texture. Although the short hair may cause allergies to allergy-prone owners you will find a lot less hair in the home as compared to other cat breeds.

The beautiful Siamese is an affectionate cat and requires love and attention from their parents. These cats are great jumpers and love heights. The active and social Siamese is a perfect choice for families with children and other pets.


Weight range: Male: large: >12 lbs, Female: medium: 8-12 lbs.

Life Expectancy: 9-13 years

The Burmese is a medium-sized cat and feels considerably heavier than she appears. This is a stocky cat with short, smooth, and very silky hair. The Burmese cat is somewhat compact but very muscular with heavy boning.

The Burmese come in many colors including Sable, Champagne, Blue, Platinum, Lilac, Fawn, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Cinnamon, and Tortoiseshell. These cats have a very low tendency for shedding and hence suitable for allergy sufferers. You will recognize a Burmese by its beautiful golden yellow eyes.

The Burmese cats are great climbers and jumpers. They are friendly and affectionate little creatures who are very fond of humans. Younger Burmese are active, curious kittens, and adapt easily to changes.

Living With a Cat When You are Allergic

Everyone’s allergies are different and therefore, it is impossible to make a sweeping generalization. People with allergies can have allergic reactions from even the hypoallergenic cats. Luckily, there are a few steps that you can take to manage your allergy symptoms with your cats.

Once you have a cat, there are steps you can take to minimize allergens whether you have a hypoallergenic breed or not:

Your Daily Allergic Controllers

  • Don’t hug or kiss the cat. If you do, wash your hands and face with soap and water.
  • Invest in a vacuum cleaner and use it regularly in your home.
  • Keep the cat out of your bedroom.
  • Protect yourself from cat hair by covering your bedspread with an extra sheet on top that you can remove when sleeping.
  • Keep the air fresh by leaving windows open.

Your Weekly Allergic Controllers

  • Wash sheets and bedding that the cat lays on with warm water if possible.
  • Wash the walls and floors of your house with mild soap to remove accumulated hair from the house.
  • Consider bathing your cat regularly. Bathing your cat at least once a week can reduce airborne cat allergen. When using shampoos and conditioners, make sure they will not make your allergies worse.

Some Other Measures for Allergic Control

  • Allergy shots may help with moderate to severe allergies. Visit your allergist and ask him about starting a therapeutic program to get a handle on your allergies.
  • Play with care. Be mindful of your cat scratching, licking or rubbing up against you and wash your hands well after playtime.
  • Get some air filters for your home.
  • Carpet is one of the biggest allergen collecting items. It is better to remove carpeting from your home.
  • Keep your cat healthy. The healthier your cat, the less it will shed and produce dander.
  • Have someone else brush your cat regularly and discard hair straight away.


If you are a feline lover with allergies, hypoallergenic cat breeds are the answer to your problem.

With these hypoallergenic cats, you can still enjoy the companionship of a furry friend without the allergy attacks.

Also, with a few efforts and lifestyle changes, you can manage your allergies and live happily with your cats.

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